fui lo que creí; soy lo que está pasando

May 29, 2012

Llegó la vida real, se acabó la niñez.

May 28, 2012


Esta es la historia de mi menta. Yo la había encargado con meros propósitos alcohólicos, llámese, preparar mojitos. Por esas casualidades del destino, la junta a beber mojitos se postergó un par de semanas luego de que ya tuviera la menta. Durante ese tiempo, mi madre la tuvo en el jardín y la cuidó como al resto de las plantas.

Llegó el día de la junta, utilizamos sus hojas. La menta quedó en mi pieza desde entonces. Mi madre me preguntaba de vez en cuando si la había regado, a lo que yo mentía diciendo que sí. Un día me sentí culpable, así que le heché agua, a lo que la rencorosa respondió por todos esos días que no la había cuidado expulsando el agua por el (entonces no sabía) agujereado macetero, mojando las cosas que tenía a su alrededor. Malintencionada miembro del reino vegetal.

Pero decidí inconscientemente, quizá por flojera de bajarla nuevamente al jardín, quedármela. Ya entonces ni pensaba en los mojitos, lo cierto es que no paso el ron. Pero la menta, en un principio rencorosa, sorpresivamente creció muy rápido y frondosa, bonita.

Le compré un macetero que combinaba con la decoración de mi pieza, y que no tenía agujeros por debajo por donde me escupiera la malvada. La coloqué en un lugar donde llega sol, y la riego cuando creo que debo. ¿Por qué estoy escribiendo de mi menta? Será cursi, pero me hizo sentir especial el hecho de que prefiriera mis torpes e inexpertos cuidados, que toda la sabiduría herbal acumulada de mi madre.

"The road now stretched across open country, and it occured to me
- not by way of protest, not as a symbol, or anything like that, but merely as a novel experience -
that since I had disregarded all laws of humanity, I might as well disregard the rules of traffic.
So I crossed to the left side of the highway,
and checked the feeling: and the feeling was good.
It was a pleasant diaphragmal melting, with elements of diffused tactility, all this enhanced by the thought that nothing could be nearer to the elimination of basic physical laws
than deliberately driving on the wrong site of the road."

-Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita (1955)

amo este párrafo de la novela. me llega demasiado profundo, de una forma misteriosa e irracional

May 21, 2012

a tshirt, a suitcase, a tea bag, a fruit cake, COULD WE BE HAPPY
                                                                                                 JUST FOR A MOMENT?

the beatles
♥sexy sadie
♥lovely rita
♥you never give me your money

the rolling stones
♥stray cat blues
♥jiving sister fanny
♥sister morphine

jimi hendrix
♥little wing
♥all along the watchtowers
♥purple haze

bob dylan
♥most likely you go your way and i'll go mine
♥thunder on the mountain

janis joplin
♥farewell song
♥get it while you can

cat stevens
♥the foreigner suite
♥image of hell
♥ lovely city when do you laugh

charly garcía
♥gato de metal
♥reloj de plastilina

guns n roses
♥buick makane
♥rocket queen
♥human being

sonic youth
♥unmade bed
♥sugar kane

stephen duffy
♥don't feed the rats
♥she belongs to all
♥one day one of these fucks will change your life

Sense it was never your thing
you know you know i can't really do it again
you know you know sometimes
to my


tengo un gran enredo en mi cabeza, y no sé qué pasará ni pensaré mañana, ni pasado
Pero hoy, en este exacto instante, me siento bien. No en la cima de la montaña rusa, sino simplemente bien

May 14, 2012

I need someone to take some joy in something I do

May 13, 2012

You're the kind of person you meet at certain dismal dull affairs.
Center of a crowd, talking much too loud, running up and down the stairs
Well, it seems to me that you have seen too much in too few years
And though you've tried you just can't hide, your eyes are edged with tears

You better stop! look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown

When you were a child you were treated kind
But you were never brought up right.
You were always spoiled with a thousand toys
But still you cried all night.
Your mother who neglected you owes a million dollars tax.
And your father's still perfecting ways of making sealing wax

You better stop, look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown!

Oh, who's to blame? that girl's just insane!
Well nothing I do don't seem to work, It only seems to make matters worse! Oh please!

You were still in school when you had that fool who really messed your mind
And after that you turned your back on treating people kind.
On our first trip I tried so hard to rearrange your mind.
But after while I realized you were disarranging mine.

You better stop! look around
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes!
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown!
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown!
Here comes your nine-teenth nervous breakdown!

May 9, 2012

May 1, 2012

everybody's trying to make us
another cool decade of fakers

bang bang, shoot shoot

When you hold me in your arms

And I feel your finger on my trigger!!

I know nobody can do me no harm!